My love and adoration for this amazing woman is certainly no secret. I met 'My Meg' in my #HamlineMFAC program. Being lucky enough to work with Meg on my first novel was nothing short of serendipitous! Meg was awarded a Newbery Medal for her book Merci Suarez Changes Gears during my first semester at Hamline University when she was my advisor. It was so exciting!
So of course, I made my school district buy a couple hundred copies!
Being able to share Merci Suarez with my students this year was so rewarding for all of us. I loved this talk of hers to young people in Hawaii, and I know you will too! She gave me permission to share this with you. Visit Meg Medina's website and learn more about her books, her up-to-the-minutes news, and her upcoming events.
REMEMBER! Your parents should ALWAYS know what you're reading and where you go on the Internet! Get permission before you click--on ANYTHING!
Love you all!
Miss Daisy